For news coverage, please see the Whidbey News-Times article by clicking here. On December 20, 2018, a winter wind storm knocked down a tree adjacent to the clubhouse, damaging a large portion of the building. The Progressive Club and our leadership are working with our insurance company to restore the building in-kind as soon as possible. We appreciate the goodwill of the Greenbank and larger Island community.
Though we are keeping the restoration to replacement in-kind of what was damaged, we are looking at a large number of expenses outside our planned 2019 budget. If you care to give to the restoration effort, please consider mailing a donation to:
Greenbank Progressive Club
Attn: Treasurer Karen Rohrer
PO Box 52
Greenbank, WA 98253
As a nonprofit organization, your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by Washington state law. Thank you for considering helping!