A Brief History

The Greenbank Progressive Club first met on June 12, 1920 at the Greenbank School.  The constitution and by-laws were adopted and officers elected:  Victor Magnuson, Chairman and Alex Engstrom as Temporary Secretary.  Additional officers elected were: G. Ammondson, Vice-President, Sanfrid Salo, Financial Secretary, Niels H. Christensen, Treasurer.

All proceedings were subscribed and sworn to before J. H. Prather, Justice of the Peace, Austin, Washington on June 26, 1920.  (Austin was the site of the current Mutiny Bay Community.)  The State of Washington records the incorporation since August 5, 1920. The object of the organization was the establishment and maintenance of a social club to promote social meetings of the people of Greenbank. The first community clubhouse was built by local residents at the junction of Christensen Road and SR525 and was about 1600 square feet. Meetings for a time were at the Greenbank Farm bunkhouse.

The present clubhouse sits on property conveyed to the Progressive Club by the Coupeville Consolidated School District, No. 204 in consideration of $25.00 on December 18th, 1951 and recorded February 19, 1952.  Initially the school district furnished the land under a 99-year lease and the state highway department leveled the grounds and added  about 900 yards of gravel.  The deed stated-“The above described property is conveyed solely for the purpose of the grantee using said real estate for community purposes, and the real estate shall never pass into private ownership, in which event the property shall reinvest in the grantor.”  The official address is 3090 Firehouse Road, Greenbank, Washington 98253.

A revision of the by-laws in 1989 stated the purpose of the club as “to serve the community of Greenbank in whatever ways are deemed appropriate and to promote social activities of the people of Greenbank.”

Currently The Greenbank Progressive Club is a 501  c  (4) non-profit organization providing a community hall.

Present Greenbank Progressive Club community hall came from a concerted effort.  The construction work was started in the summer of 1949 with the first use on Saturday evening February 17th, 1951 when members of the Greenbank community met for a lunch, movies and squaredancing to celebrate the completion.  The community raised approximately $3500.00 for the construction.  Local groups like the Garden Club, Ladies Sewing Club, the Boy Scouts and the Coupeville Lions donated funds.  Materials were purchased at cost through the Greenbank Store or Gowdy Lumber at Pioneer Corner near Langley.

The clubhouse is a frame structure approximately 1800 square feet and includes a kitchen and two bathrooms with a separate pumphouse building.

A quit-claim deed for right-of-way for the Smugglers Cove Road extension was requested by Island County.  This agreement was signed March 3, 1969.  It conveyed approximately 10 feet into the property line along Bakken Road. Additional stipulations on the county were to: move the trees within the right-of-way to new designated locations, move the fence and construct a driveway west of the pumphouse.

Puget Sound Power & Light Company requested an easement on the property along Firehouse Road to upgrade power lines.  This agreement was completed and dated October 8, 1971.

In 1996 the Greenbank clubhouse needed to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act.  Government and community volunteers came together again.  Jim Self from Senior Services of Island County petitioned the Island County Board Commissioners and the Area Agency on Aging NW Regional Council to fund the purchase of necessary materials.  Dale Flanery researched the building access requirements.  Walt Norquist drew up the plans and acted as foreman.  Hanson’s Building Supply provided the material at cost.  Many volunteers assisted with the necessary labor including from Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.  Walls were moved, doors changed, plumbing redone and an outdoor ramp was added.

In September 2000 the Greenbank Progressive Club received a $13,570.00  bequest from the estate of Ruth Carey which enabled a long list of needed repairs and upgrades.  Windows were replaced, a new furnace installed, new hot water and bathroom lines, new electrical panel, new drapes, interior/exterior painting and added insulation in the attic.  The oak hardwood flooring was refinished and resealed.                      

July 25,2002 the Greenbank Progressive Club signed a contract with Island County Public Transit providing a small local Park & Ride lot for the community.


A tremendous amount of thought and physical labor went into rebuilding of the pump house in 2012.  Jerry Mercer, Dave Howe, Keith Turner, Wilson Binger, Jim Pfiffer and Carolyn Mercer were the main planning and work crew.  The old pump house was replaced which also provided additional storage.  Problems addressed included: plumbing with badly rusted pipes and fittings, pressure tank and bladder collecting sediment, rodent and pest intrusion and inadequate/hazardous wiring. The well casing also had to be stabilized.  Estimated material costs were approximately $900.00.  The complete rebuild was finished toward the end of August.

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