Greenbank Progressive ClubOct 29, 2023 4:04pm

Monthly Members Meeting & Potluck Dinner

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Meet and greet begins at 6 PM with dinner at 6:30.

Everyone is invited and asked to bring a dish to share, and your own drinks and table service.

Jan Wright, Avis Rector, and Bill Wilson, authors of  

Whidbey Landmarks, Stories and Poems from Whidbey Island,  

will read selected excerpts from their recently published anthology.

Books will be available for purchase.

For rental of the Greenbank Clubhouse, please call 360-678-4813.

Greenbank Progressive ClubOct 5, 2023 1:00pm

Monthly Members Meeting & Potluck Dinner  

Thursday, Oct 12, 2023

Come join the fun and frivolity of our Second Trivia night.
Meet and Greet at 6:00 PM with dinner at 6:30 before the games begin.

We will have our usual potluck. Just bring a dish to share and your own plate and utensils.

The evening will be filled with seasonal trivia, a “Name that Tune” interlude, and a surprise lightening round that will test your mettle!

Feel free to express your inner child with any Halloween/seasonal apparel you wish to wear.

So, come one, come all and bring your food, libations and humor!

Greenbank Progressive ClubSep 3, 2023 4:46pm

Monthly Members Meeting & Potluck Dinner

Thursday, Sep 14, 2023

Meet and greet begins at 6 PM with dinner at 6:30.

Everyone is invited and asked to bring a dish to share, and your own drinks and table service.

Speaker for the evening is Peter Wells, president of the Whidbey Island Maritime Heritage Foundation and a member of the Greenbank Progressive Club. Peter will give a brief presentation on the Schooner Suva. He will show photos of Suva sailing in the Salish Sea and about about her history and current activities.

For rental of the Greenbank Clubhouse, please call 360-678-4813.

Greenbank Progressive ClubJun 2, 2023 4:28pm

Greenbank Progressive Club Monthly Meeting & Barbecue 

Thursday June 8, 2023 at 6 pm

The June member meeting and potluck will be a barbecue with live music by Mojo Filter. The Board will supply the meat, but we need help with the grilling and side dishes. If you are handy at the "barby" we can use your help. Please give Bob Monroig a call or send him an email to volunteer. We will be expecting your best picnic side dishes to go with the meat. If the weather cooperates we will eat outside using our picnic tables courtesy of the Greenbank Garden Club. Bring your own plates and table service, and lawn chairs if you like.

Details will be e-mailed to members this weekend.

Greenbank Progressive ClubMay 3, 2023 6:47pm

Greenbank Progressive Club Monthly Meeting and Potluck Dinner

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Meet and greet will begin at 6:00 PM with dinner at 6:30. 

Everyone is invited and asked to bring a dish to share, and your own drinks and table service.

Speaker for the evening is Amber Hanes-Miller, the Community Outreach Coordinator from LifeFlight Network.

For rental of the Greenbank Community Hall, please call 360-678-4813.

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