Everyone is invited and ask to bring a dish to share, and your own drinks and table service.
Speaker this month is Heather McCoy with the Whidbey Island Conservation District. Heather will tell us about their programs.
Everyone is invited and ask to bring a dish to share, and your own drinks and table service.
Speaker this month is Heather McCoy with the Whidbey Island Conservation District. Heather will tell us about their programs.
Everyone is invited and asked to bring a dish to share, and your own drinks and table service.
Speaker this month is Penny Harger, the Grant Coordinator for the Whidbey Island Garden Tour. Penny will share with us the history and purpose of the WIGT. The Club received a grant from the WIGT in 2022. This will be an opportunity to thank Penny for their generosity.
We will hold our regular potluck dinner with a slightly different approach. We are having a barbecue!
The Board will supply the meat, but we need help with the grilling and side dishes.
If you are handy at the "barby" we can use your help. Please give Bob Monroig a call or send him an email to volunteer.
We will be expecting your best picnic side dishes to go with the meat.
More details to follow.
Everyone is invited and asked to bring a dish to share, and your own drinks and table service.
Speaker this month is County Commissioner, Melanie Bacon, who will answer questions snd concerns you may have about the current affairs of the county.
Meet and greet will begin at 6:00 PM with dinner at 6:30.
Everyone is invited and asked to bring a dish to share, and your own drinks and table service.
Speaker this month is Karen Rohrer who will present a brief history of our community club.